This is a catalogue of paintings and drawings by Glyn Davies. Original works not marked with a red spot are available for sale. Limited edition fine art, giclee´ prints can be supplied for any of the works, in various sizes.
Since graduating in 1972 from Leicester College of Art I have followed a career in architecture, working in my own practise in Bath since the 1980s. However, painting has always been part of my life, although I did not exhibit any work until 2009. I paint both in watercolours and oils and my subjects are mainly townscapes, naturally influenced by my interest in architecture.
I have lived in Bath for nearly 50 years and the buildings there have been a constant inspiration, not so much the formal crescents but the disorganised, melange of buildings clustered together on the hillsides. I enjoy painting architectural elevations of the back of Georgian buildings, and streets of artisan shops, which I find more interesting subjects than the facades of Georgian set pieces.
Working in architecture gives unique opportunities to see Bath from many unusual viewpoints including roof tops.... However, the complex patterns and colours of these urban landscapes cannot easily be painted from these inconvenient locations so I take numerous reference photographs which can be edited later. The equipment and technology needed to use Computer Aided Design for architectural work and image processing also contributes to the preparation of paintings. In this way I combine my interests in architecture and painting.
From the studio in the loft above my office I usually have an oil painting and a watercolour in progress. In the office I use a CAD computer for architectural work and a separate computer for image processing used in both art and architecture.
Glyn Davies
01225 859877